Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Today seems like the perfect day, to get carried away.

I think life really likes to fuck with me. Things were going horribly for a while, then very recently really terrific, and now kind of bad again. Probably mostly because of stress because of school work and other things. 
Well, at least he told me the truth of how he felt, because I was getting rather upset because I thought he lost those "mad big feelings" he said he had for me. What a lost cause.../:

Fortunately, I got a new backpack, which means I can walk home from school again now, because my other backpack wasn't really a backpack, it was actually a really nice laptop bag, and it hurt my back. I was able to go to the library finally where I checked out five books that I plan to read and get this- I hadn't used my library card in so long that it expired and the huge fine I was afraid to pay, was gone.:D 
And due to an ice cream disaster the other day, (monday, I believe) I have made up my mind to go vegan, even though I was going to wait until I got a job so I'd be able to purchase my own groceries and actually eat.:P It's quite difficult. But I'm trying to be strong.(:

Despite the discouragements going on, I'm going to try to wake up each morning and demand that it be a good day, and maybe when I wake and say for myself to have a good day, that's how it'll turn out.(:

Until next time, adios!(:

1 comment:

  1. Hi :) Are you living in Connecticut, or do you know any bloggers who are? I'm thinking of exchanging my second year of high school from Norway to there, and I would really like to follow an average high school student from there, just to have a taste of how it is over there:)
