Sunday, October 31, 2010

Officially Sixteen (as of thursday)

Sooo, guess what? 
I'm officially sixteen now, yepp. 
Spirit week last week at school was pretty cool, seeing everyone dress really crazy, the halls all decorated and what not.(: I honestly think the juniors should have won the for being the loudest at the pep rally on friday, but whatever. My birthday party was later that day, and it was fun.(: We went trick-or-treating around town in the cold, even though I wasn't cold and dressed up as a scarecrow. There WAS going to be a fire, but it was simply to windy for that.:P A couple of us went on the trampoline and signed my wall. I just love my friends.(: 
In addition to money, this neat art thing and birthday cards, I also got an iPod, so I'm downloading some music onto it.(: If only it wasn't so expensive, I'd be able to listen to a lot more...But oh well. After thinking it over, maybe I should have asked for a new guitar instead? To late, anyways. I do hope to purchase a melodica soonishly, but since there wasn't any at the Guitar Center, I'll have to have my mom order it for me online. I wonder how long that'll take?:P 
I'm not quite sure what I want in life, like my goals and stuff, but two things I do know I need to work to is getting a permit and a job. And I also know I want to write more music (I haven't been doing that much lately) and do more art.(:

Well, bye-bye for now, friends.(:

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